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Journal articles / Book chapters:

Chimienti, M., Kato, A., Seydi, V., Schoombie, S., Hinke, J. T., Joy, R., Lidgard, D., Oosthuizen, C., Apastamatiou, Y., Ropert-Coudert, Y., Takahashi, A., Thiebot, J.-B., Visani, M., Coustaty, M., Jeanniard du Dot, T. Reviewing seas of data: integrating image-based bio-logging and artificial intelligence to enhance marine conservation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. In review

Gilbert, L., Jeanniard-du-Dot, T., Cherel, Y, Spitz, J. (2024) Nutrient concentrations in Antarctic fur seal’s faeces of and in forage fish species around the Kerguelen Islands: all are not equal for the nutrient recycling. Journal of Marine Ecology and Biology, In review.

Chevallay, M., Guinet, C., Goulet-Tran, D., Jeanniard du Dot, T. (2024) Sealing the deal – Antarctic fur seals’ active hunting tactics to capture small evasive prey revealed by miniature sonar tags. Journal of Experimental Biology. 227 (9): jeb246937

Chevallay, M., Guinet, C., Goulet, P., Johnson, M., Jeanniard du Dot, T. (2024) Hunting tactics of Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) and anti-predatory behaviours of their prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 736:167-179

Chevallay M., Guinet, C., Jeanniard du Dot, T. (2024) Underwater vocalizations in foraging female Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) of Kerguelen Islands. Marine Mammal Science. e13118

Vacquie-Garcia, J., Spitz, J., Hammill M., Stenson, G. Kovacs, K.M., Lydersen, C., Chimienti, M., Mendez-Fernandez, P., Jeanniard du Dot, T. (2024) Evolution of the foraging habits of an ice-associated seal in the past 30 years and projection of their future suitable habitats in response to a global warming scenario: the case study of the North West hooded seal stock, Cystophora cristata. Global Change Biology. 30, e17186.

Chevallay, M., Jeanniard du Dot, T., Goulet, P., Picard, B., Johnson, M., Guinet, C. (2023) The spy of the deep: an innovative multi-sensor approach to describe the distribution of mesopelagic prey in the Southern Ocean via marine predators. Deep Sea Research. 203: 104214

Gilbert, L. Spitz, J., Jeanniard du Dot, T. (2023) Pack-ice seals contribute to biological transfers of iron to the euphotic zone of the Southern Ocean. Polar Biology. 1-17

Gilbert, L., Jeanniard-du-Dot, T., Authier, M. et al. (2023) Composition of cetacean communities worldwide shapes their contribution to ocean nutrient cycling. Nature Communication 14, 5823.

Chevallay, M. Guinet, C. Jeanniard du Dot, T. (2022). Should I stay or should I go? Behavioral adjustments of fur seals related to foraging success. Behavioral Ecology. 33(3) 634-643

McMahon CR, Roquet F, ..., Jeanniard du Dot T., J..., Woodward B. (2021). Animal Borne Ocean Sensors – AniBOS – An Essential Component of the Global Ocean Observing System. Frontiers in Marine Science 8(1625).

Jeanniard du Dot T., Guinet C. (2021) Foraging capacities, behaviours and strategies of otariids and odobenids In Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Pinnipeds and Odobenids. Ed. C. Campagna and R. Harcourt. Springer Publications. Switzerland.

Guilpin M., Lesage V., McQuinn I., Brosset P., Doniol-valcroze T., Jeanniard-du-Dot T., Winkler G.. (2020) Energetic consequences of climate- or fishery-driven changes in preyscape and repeated vessel interactions on foraging blue whales. Frontiers in Marine Science 7(626)

Guilpin, M., Lesage, V., McQuinn, I., Goldbogen, J.A., Potvin, J., Jeanniard-du-Dot, T., Doniol-Valcroze T., Michaud, R., Moisan, M., Winkler G. (2019) Foraging energetics and prey density requirements of western North Atlantic blue whales in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Marine Ecology Progress Series 625:205-223

Vivier, F, Guinet, C, Jeanniard‐du‐Dot, T. (2019) Defining areas of intensive foraging activity for a top marine predator, the Antarctic fur seal: Compromises between effort and accuracy. Marine Mammal Science. 1-9


Harcourt, R.,…, Jeanniard du Dot, T.,…, Fedak, M. (2019) Animal-borne telemetry: an integral component of the ocean observing toolkit. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6: 326

Jeanniard du Dot T., Trites A.W., Arnould J.P.Y, Guinet C. (2018) Trade-off between foraging efficiency and pup feeding rate in lactating northern fur seal females from a declining population. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 600: 207–222

Jeanniard du Dot T., Thomas A., Cherel Y., Trites A.W., Guinet C. (2017) Hard-parts and DNA analyses of scats combined with bio-logging and stable isotopes reveal two diets and foraging strategies for northern fur seals in the Bering Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 584: 1-16. - *Feature article*

Jeanniard du Dot, T., Holland K., Schorr G., Vo, D. (2017) Motes enhance recovery of data from satellite-relayed biologgers and facilitate collaborative ecosystem-based research. Animal Biotelemetry. 5(1):17.

Jeanniard du Dot T., Trites A.W., Arnould J.P.Y, Guinet C. (2017) Reproductive fitness is energetically linked to foraging efficiency in Antarctic fur seals. PLOS ONE. 12(4):e0174001

Jeanniard du Dot T., Trites A. W., Arnould J.P.Y, Speakman J. R., Guinet C. (2017) Activity-specific metabolic rates can be estimated from time-activity budgets in free-ranging marine mammals. Ecology and Evolution. 7(9):2969-2976

Jeanniard du Dot T., Guinet, C., Arnould, J.P.Y, Trites A.W. 2016. Accelerometers can measure total and activity-specific energy expenditure in free-ranging marine mammals only if linked to time-activity budgets. Functional Ecology. 31(2):377-386

Jeanniard du Dot T., Guinet, C., Arnould, J.P.Y, Trites A.W. 2016 Do flipper stroke proxies accurately predict energy expenditure in foraging northern fur seals and Antarctic fur seals? Scientific Reports. 6, 33912


Weimerskirch, H., Bishop, C., Jeanniard du Dot, T., Prudor, A., Spivey, R. 2016. Low cost flight strategy of frigatebirds allows Trans-oceanic restless flight. Science. 353(6294):74-78

Viviant M., Jeanniard du Dot, T., Monestiez P., Authier M., Guinet C. 2016. Bottom time does not always predict prey encounter rate in Antarctic fur seals. Functional Ecology. 30(11):1834-1844

Richmond J.P., Jeanniard du Dot T., Rosen D.A.S., Zinn S.A. 2010 Seasonal influence on the response of the somatotropic axis to nutrient restriction and re-alimentation in captive Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus). Journal of Experimental Zoology A. 313:144-156


Jeanniard du Dot T., Rosen, D.A., and Trites A.W. 2009 Energy re-allocation during and after periods of nutritional stress in Steller sea lions: low-quality diet reduces capacity for physiological adjustments. Journal of Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 39(4):284-306


Jeanniard du Dot T., Rosen D.A., Richmond, J.P., Kitaysky A.S. and Trites A.W. 2009 Changes in blood metabolites and hormones do not reflect nutritional status of Steller sea lions during and after periods of nutritional stress. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 152(4):524-534


Jeanniard du Dot T., Rosen, D.A. and Trites A.W. 2008. Steller sea lions show diet-dependant changes in body composition during nutritional stress and recover more easily from mass loss in winter. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 367:1-10


Richmond J.P., Jeanniard du Dot T., Rosen D.A.S., Zinn S.A. 2006 Effect of prey composition on the endocrine response to nutrient restriction and re-alimentation in Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus). Proceedings of the Comparative Nutrition Society. 136-141.

Scientific Reports and theses:


Jeanniard du Dot, T. 2015. Foraging strategies and efficiencies of lactating northern and Antarctic fur seals: implications for reproductive success. PhD thesis, Zoology Dept., University of British Columbia, Canada, 213pp


Jeanniard du Dot, T., Trites, A.W. 2014. Foraging efficiency of lactating northern fur seals and its relationship to pup survival and population decline on the Pribilof Islands. North Pacific Research Board Scientific Report F4112-00 11. 60pp.


Jeanniard du Dot, T. 2007. Diet quality and season affect physiology and energetic priorities of captive Steller sea lions during and after periods of nutritional stress. MSc thesis, Zoology Dept., University of British Columbia, Canada, 142pp


Jeanniard du Dot, T. 2002. Cadmium contamination of the first levels of the pelagic food web of the Gironde estuary: in situ, experimental and geochemical approaches. DEA thesis, Biology Dept., Universities of Bordeaux 1 and Paris 7, France. 85pp


Jeanniard du Dot, T. 2001. Importance relative des organites cellulaires et des protéines cytosoliques dans l’accumulation des métaux (Cd, Cu, Zn) chez la perchaude (Perca flavescens). Maitrise . 37pp

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